Friday, March 8, 2013

Hello, AVT 422:

The blog topic for this week (March 13) is:
The Global Ramifications of the European Union’s Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS)

Please answer the following items:

1) Describe how the EU ETS works.
2) Describe why the US and other countries are opposed to participation in the EU ETS.
3) Describe the US's current position on EU ETS.
4) Describe the EU's current position on EU ETS.
5) ICAO is tasked with coming up with a global solution by fall 2013. What should this solution be?
6) Time to get a solution to aviation emissions necessary? Why or why not?

Do not forget to include four reputable references and links in your post.

Grading criteria for this blog post will be as follows:
Item 1…………………………………………....……........3 points
Item 2………………………………………….......…….....3 points
Item 3…………………………………………….......….....3 points
Item 4…………………………………………….....……...3 points 
Item 5…………………………………………...…....….....3 points
Item 6………………………………………………..…......3 points
Appropriate references and citations………………….4 points
Grammar and Style……………………………...…….....5 points
Three significant comments on other blogs………......6 points
Total…………………………………………………..….33 points

Do not forget the following:
1.  Address each item fully to receive full credit.
2.  Include references and links to support your topic. 
3.  Cite your sources, using APA formatting, at the bottom of your posting. 
4.  Please proofread your work.
5.  Upload your comments to the Dropbox.

Your post is due by 11:59 p.m. on Sunday evening, March 10.
Comments are due by the start of class on March 13.

Have fun,
Dr. Tartalone

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