Wednesday, January 9, 2013


Hello Everyone!

Welcome to AVT 422 Senior Seminar!  My goal in this course is to give you some practical and useful tools that will give you an edge as you venture into your aviation careers...or any careers for that matter.  One way I have decided to do this is through the social media of a blog.  I know several people in the aviation world who have utilized blogs to advance their careers in various ways.  Like other social media tools (such as Facebook and Twitter), writing, reading and commenting on blogs allows you to create a social network of aviation professionals that you may not have otherwise created.  Also, this is yet another thing you can put on your résumé - "aviation blog writer."  I am not kidding.  As long as you keep the topics professional, many employers will be quite impressed with this initiative.

Each week I will assign an aviation topic, which I will post on this blog.  In addition to career development, I also use Senior Seminar as a course to discuss current and global topics in aviation.  Each week you will be required to do the following:

1) Write a post about the topic, approximately 3-5 paragraphs.  I will usually provide a list of 4-5 questions that you need to answer through research of the topic.  In addition, opinions are encouraged.  Proper grammar and spelling is expected.  Remember that all of your class peers (and, if you wish, other aviation professionals and employers) will have access to your blog.  Posts must be up by the Sunday before class to allow time for peers to read and comment.

2) You must include at least one link about the topic in your blog.  The link must be to a reputable site.  Be sure to provide an introduction to your link within your blog post.  Site your sources, using APA formatting, at the bottom of your post.

3) Each week, in addition to your own post, you are required to read and comment on at least three of your classmate’s blogs.  Please email me these comments (indicating which blog they were posted to) by Wednesday before class to receive full credit.

4) I will give feedback on your post each week as a comment.  Likewise, feel free to make comments about the assignment.

5) Come to class each week prepared to have an in-depth discussion of the topic.

Have fun! 

1 comment:

  1. Hi everyone, I am a senior at Eastern Michigan University I am going for aviation management technology. I originally began studying aviation technology only then I started doing both the technology and the management, but my bachelor degree will be in management.
    I go to school for full time plus I work full time job , my family own a gasoline station, so iam running it for them,. One of the most things I enjoying in life is a sport, I like to watch all kind of sports like basketball. Tennis, football, and soccer plus I am a good soccer player.
    Originally I am from Iraq I came to United States in 2007 after I graduated from high school. I went Oakland community college for two years then I transferred to eastern last year.
    I always trying to keep myself busy with everything and enjoying my life as much as I can
    I live in Farmington Hills with my family (my dad, mom, brother, and sister).
    This is a brief introduction about myself.
