Thursday, January 31, 2013

Hello, AVT 422:

The blog topic for this week (February 6) is:
UAVs: A Commercial Future?

Over the last decade, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) (UAS, Drones, etc.) have seen steady growth and development.  This growth is most notable in the military sector.  However, in the last few years, manufacturers and users are beginning to show interest in potential commercial markets.

The expansion of the commercial UAV market is not without its challenges.  Choose two of the issues noted below.  Research your choices and provide a discussion of each.  Insert at least two links (and citations) for each topic.

1.  Integration of UAVs into the National Airspace System.
2.  Lack of regulations governing flight safety.  (Both domestically and globally.)
3.  Coping with a diverse customer base and multiple commercial applications.
4.  Pilot training and certification.

Grading criteria for this blog post will be as follows:
Issue #1......................................................................5 points
Issue #2......................................................................5 points
Depth of discussion..................................................5 points
Appropriate links and citations...............................4 points
Grammar and Style...................................................5 points
Three significant comments on other blogs.........6 points
Total..........................................................................30 points

Do not forget the following:
1.  Address your choices fully to receive full credit.
2.  Do not forget to add a link and integrate that link smoothly. 
3.  Cite your sources, using APA formatting, at the bottom of your posting. 
4.  Please proofread your work.
5.  Upload your comments to the Dropbox.

Your post is due by 11:59 p.m. on Sunday evening.
Comments are due by the start of class on February 6

Dr. Tartalone

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Hello, AVT 422:

The blog topic for this week (January 30) is:
Individual and Industry Ramifications of Flight/Duty Regulations

On August 1, 2010, President Obama signed PL 111-216, The Airline Safety and Federal Aviation Administration Act of 2010.  A “spinoff” of the law was NPRM 2012-4627, Pilot Certification and Qualification Requirements for Air Carrier Operations.  These acts have multiple ramifications for the industry.  However, for the purpose of this blog, we will focus on how this law has the potential to affect your career, as well as EMU's future in flight training.
PL 111-216 and NPRM 2012-4627 are posted in File Sharing.

Please address the following:

1.  Write a one-paragraph summary of PL 111-216.
2.  Address these items. 
    1. One specific issue that has the potential to affect your career.
    2. One specific issue that has the potential to affect EMU's future in flight training.
    3. When addressing these specific issues, be sure to indicate what the change is by defining the pre-law status.
3.  Write a paragraph or two about each issue.
4.  Include in your discussions . . .
    1. What are the potential benefits and challenges to the issues that you listed in #2?
    2. Do you agree that the changes that you addressed in #2 are necessary or merely reactive?  Why or why not?

Grading criteria for this blog post will be as follows. 

Summary paragraph of the law.........................5 points
Address both issues (2a and 2b)......................4 points
Depth of discussion.............................................2 points
Appropriate links and citations..........................2 points
Grammar/Style......................................................2 points
Three significant comments on other blogs....3 points
Total.....................................................................18 points

Do not forget the following:

1.  Address ALL the above issues to receive full credit.
2.  Do not forget to add a link and integrate that link smoothly. Cite your sources, using APA formatting, at the bottom of   your post.
3.  Please proofread your work.
4.  In lieu of sending me your comments via e-mail, upload your comments to the Dropbox.

Your post is due by 11:59 p.m. on Sunday evening.
Comments are due by the start of class on January 30

Dr. Tartalone

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Hello, AVT 422:

The blog topic for this week (January 23) is Leveling the Global Aviation Playing Field

The aviation industry in the United States, specifically the airlines, is facing several challenges or “threats” to maintaining a competitive edge in the global market.  Examples of some of these “threats” are tax policies, fuel costs, cheap labor, the rapid growth of airlines in countries that formerly did not compete, and other political issues.

Your assignment is to research the topic and examine at least two articles, from reputable sources, that address the current global aviation situation.  From your research, present three thought-provoking issues.  Post these issues on your blog and present a brief discussion of each.  Provide your ideas and opinions.  Your discussion might address the following questions.  How do you feel about the issues?  Do you agree with the authors?  What do you think are plausible solutions to the issues?  How might these issues affect you in the job market? 

Include links to your articles in your blog post.  In addition, cite your sources at the bottom of your blog post.  Use APA formatting for your citations.

This portion of the assignment is due at noon on Tuesday, January 22.

The second part of the assignment is to read and comment on three of your classmate’s blogs.  Send me an e-mail with your comments, and the title of the blogs on which you made comments.

This portion of the assignment is due before the start of class on Wednesday, January 23.

Grading criteria for blog posts will be as follows.

Three thought-provoking questions................................ 3 points
Depth of discussion........................................................... 2 points
Appropriate links and citations......................................... 2 points
Grammar/Style.................................................................... 1 point
Three significant comments on other blogs................... 2 points

Remember that this is a 400-level course.  Write and research accordingly.  I am looking for original and critical thought.  Be prepared to discuss your articles and your comments on your classmate’s articles in class on Wednesday.

Please contact me with any questions.
Dr. Tartalone

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


Hello Everyone!

Welcome to AVT 422 Senior Seminar!  My goal in this course is to give you some practical and useful tools that will give you an edge as you venture into your aviation careers...or any careers for that matter.  One way I have decided to do this is through the social media of a blog.  I know several people in the aviation world who have utilized blogs to advance their careers in various ways.  Like other social media tools (such as Facebook and Twitter), writing, reading and commenting on blogs allows you to create a social network of aviation professionals that you may not have otherwise created.  Also, this is yet another thing you can put on your résumé - "aviation blog writer."  I am not kidding.  As long as you keep the topics professional, many employers will be quite impressed with this initiative.

Each week I will assign an aviation topic, which I will post on this blog.  In addition to career development, I also use Senior Seminar as a course to discuss current and global topics in aviation.  Each week you will be required to do the following:

1) Write a post about the topic, approximately 3-5 paragraphs.  I will usually provide a list of 4-5 questions that you need to answer through research of the topic.  In addition, opinions are encouraged.  Proper grammar and spelling is expected.  Remember that all of your class peers (and, if you wish, other aviation professionals and employers) will have access to your blog.  Posts must be up by the Sunday before class to allow time for peers to read and comment.

2) You must include at least one link about the topic in your blog.  The link must be to a reputable site.  Be sure to provide an introduction to your link within your blog post.  Site your sources, using APA formatting, at the bottom of your post.

3) Each week, in addition to your own post, you are required to read and comment on at least three of your classmate’s blogs.  Please email me these comments (indicating which blog they were posted to) by Wednesday before class to receive full credit.

4) I will give feedback on your post each week as a comment.  Likewise, feel free to make comments about the assignment.

5) Come to class each week prepared to have an in-depth discussion of the topic.

Have fun!