Sunday, April 14, 2013

Hello, AVT 422:

The blog topic for this week (April 17) is:
Review of the Semester

So, this post will not require extensive research. Please answer the following questions:

1) Summarize your career plan that you had at the beginning of this course.
2) Has that career plan changed? Why or why not?
3) Has anything in the course influenced your answer to 2) topics, guest speakers, assignments?
4) What was your most interesting blog topic? Why? What was your least interesting blog topic? Why?
5) Which guest speaker did you gain/retain the most from? Why?
6) What are your plans for continual professional development after graduation?

Not so bad, eh? No links, references, or comments required this week, unless you want to.

Grading criteria for this blog post will be as follows:
Do a good job on the post.  Post on time.    10 points

Please publish your post by 11:59 p.m. on Tuesday evening, April 16.

Dr. Tartalone

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Hello, AVT 422:

The blog topic for this week (April 10) is:
Aviation Organizations: Who to Join and Why

I am a firm believer that it is important to belong to your professional associations.  It is important as a student, and even more important as a working professional.  Given your career aspirations . . .

  1. What associations will it be important to belong to when you are employed and engaged on your career path?  Identify at least two organizations. 
  2. Research the associations that you identified. Discuss the mission and functions of each association.
  3. Discuss why is it important for you to belong to these associations.
  4. Be thorough with your answers.

Grading criteria for this blog post will be as follows:
Association 1...........................................................10 points
Association 2...........................................................10 points
Four appropriate references and citations...........4 points
Grammar and Style...................................................5 points
Three significant comments on other blogs.........6 points
Total..........................................................................35 points

Do not forget the following:
1.  Address each item fully to receive full credit.
2.  Include four references and links to support your discussion. 
3.  Cite your sources, using APA formatting, at the bottom of your posting. 
4.  Please proofread your work.
5.  Comment on three of your classmate’s blogs and upload your comments to the  Dropbox.

Please publish your post by 11:59 p.m. on Monday evening, April 8.
Comments are due by the start of class on April 10.

Dr. Tartalone